Automated Giving
Many people enjoy the modern convenience, safety and reliability of making automatic transactions through an automated banking system. Now you can make stewardship contributions through the Holy Innocents
Automated Giving Program.
Automated Giving for weekly offertory helps our parish foster responsible financial stewardship. Participating in our Automated Giving Program is a good way for you to enact your financial stewardship plan each year -- one that ensures that our Parish will receive your intended gift on a regular basis, regardless of whether you are able to attend worship at Holy Innocents, working, or travel to another church while on vacation.
To strengthen stewardship at Holy Innocents and help us stabilize collections, we ask you to consider utilizing our Automated Giving Program to support our Parish. In lieu of weekly collections in envelopes, the Automated Giving Program will conveniently, securely and confidentially collect contributions from your chequing or savings account. There is NO cost to participate in the program.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Automated Giving?
-It is a convenient, safe, reliable, paperless, electronic transaction that transfers money from one bank to another. An automated giver is you, a parishioner, who through prayer and reflection chooses an automated way to exercise good financial stewardship by having your regular weekly offering electronically delivered to the Parish. Regular offerings are transferred from your personal account to the churches account twice a month: mid month and month end.
What are the Benefits?
-For those who embrace stewardship as a way of life, Automated Giving for the weekly offertory and other donations provides an opportunity to keep the Church a priority when it comes to
sharing financial gifts.
-No contributions can be withdrawn from a parishioner’s account without their written permission.
-Parishioners may cancel or change their contribution amount at any time.
-The more people use Automated Giving, the more reliable a Parish’s revenue stream will be from the weekly offertory.
-Not everyone attends worship at Holy Innocents each week, so Automated Giving ensures that the Parish regularly receives each parishioner’s intended gift.
-Offering levels are increased because people who tend to give regularly tend to give more.
How do I Enroll?
-Enrollment is quick, easy and free. Simply fill out the enrollment form and either drop it off to the Parish office or by mailing it to the office.
How Does Automated Giving Relate to the Use of the Weekly Envelopes?
-If you choose to participate in the Automated Giving Program it replaces the use of weekly envelopes.
What Happens if I Feel Uncomfortable not Having Something to Physically Drop Into the Collection plate?
-Please use one of the white cards provided on the table in the back of the church titled
“Automatic Giving.”
Can I Contribute to Second Collections?
-Yes. At this time you may contribute towards our Outreach Program, Cemetery Fund, or
other special ministry or project by using
envelopes provided or by using a plain white envelope with your donation, envelope number and information enclosed.
How do I Change my Information Such as the Amount of Donation, Bank Account Number or Mailing Address?
-You can provide these changes to the Church Office 782-3071 and by filling out the Auto Giving Form.
Which Payment Methods Are Accepted?
-Automated transfers from your chequing or savings accounts.
Do I Receive Receipts for Tax Purposes?
-All automated donations will be posted to your contribution record on a weekly basis.
End-of-year tax statements will be sent out by the Holy Innocents Parish Office.
Many people enjoy the modern convenience, safety and reliability of making automatic transactions through an automated banking system. Now you can make stewardship contributions through the Holy Innocents
Automated Giving Program.
Automated Giving for weekly offertory helps our parish foster responsible financial stewardship. Participating in our Automated Giving Program is a good way for you to enact your financial stewardship plan each year -- one that ensures that our Parish will receive your intended gift on a regular basis, regardless of whether you are able to attend worship at Holy Innocents, working, or travel to another church while on vacation.
To strengthen stewardship at Holy Innocents and help us stabilize collections, we ask you to consider utilizing our Automated Giving Program to support our Parish. In lieu of weekly collections in envelopes, the Automated Giving Program will conveniently, securely and confidentially collect contributions from your chequing or savings account. There is NO cost to participate in the program.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Automated Giving?
-It is a convenient, safe, reliable, paperless, electronic transaction that transfers money from one bank to another. An automated giver is you, a parishioner, who through prayer and reflection chooses an automated way to exercise good financial stewardship by having your regular weekly offering electronically delivered to the Parish. Regular offerings are transferred from your personal account to the churches account twice a month: mid month and month end.
What are the Benefits?
-For those who embrace stewardship as a way of life, Automated Giving for the weekly offertory and other donations provides an opportunity to keep the Church a priority when it comes to
sharing financial gifts.
-No contributions can be withdrawn from a parishioner’s account without their written permission.
-Parishioners may cancel or change their contribution amount at any time.
-The more people use Automated Giving, the more reliable a Parish’s revenue stream will be from the weekly offertory.
-Not everyone attends worship at Holy Innocents each week, so Automated Giving ensures that the Parish regularly receives each parishioner’s intended gift.
-Offering levels are increased because people who tend to give regularly tend to give more.
How do I Enroll?
-Enrollment is quick, easy and free. Simply fill out the enrollment form and either drop it off to the Parish office or by mailing it to the office.
How Does Automated Giving Relate to the Use of the Weekly Envelopes?
-If you choose to participate in the Automated Giving Program it replaces the use of weekly envelopes.
What Happens if I Feel Uncomfortable not Having Something to Physically Drop Into the Collection plate?
-Please use one of the white cards provided on the table in the back of the church titled
“Automatic Giving.”
Can I Contribute to Second Collections?
-Yes. At this time you may contribute towards our Outreach Program, Cemetery Fund, or
other special ministry or project by using
envelopes provided or by using a plain white envelope with your donation, envelope number and information enclosed.
How do I Change my Information Such as the Amount of Donation, Bank Account Number or Mailing Address?
-You can provide these changes to the Church Office 782-3071 and by filling out the Auto Giving Form.
Which Payment Methods Are Accepted?
-Automated transfers from your chequing or savings accounts.
Do I Receive Receipts for Tax Purposes?
-All automated donations will be posted to your contribution record on a weekly basis.
End-of-year tax statements will be sent out by the Holy Innocents Parish Office.